Student loans are kind of the worst. Which means there’s no shortage of complaints. The complaints are usually valid, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to solve them. Read on for six of the most common complaints along with their solutions.

1. I have no idea what I’m doing.

Solution: Get informed. Check out the multitude of blog posts on this page, the Repayable Facebook page, or Repayable YouTube Channel for easy to digest student loan information. For super customized information you can always message me any question or post on the Repayable Facebook Page.

2. Who cares how much debt I have? I’ll be paying on it forever anyway.

Solution: Know your number. Denial doesn’t make your debt go away. If you don’t fully recognize your debt load you won’t be able to make the smartest decisions with your money.

3. We got screwed, tons of debt, and less jobs.

Solution: We did get a lot of debt and some of you graduated when the job market was tight. Today’s job market has rebounded pretty well and the skills you built during the tough job market will serve you well in the future. That grit is only going to help you.

4. College is expensive and borrowers are the only ones who care.

Solution: It’s your job to make people care. Of course they don’t care, they have no idea what it’s like to have this much debt when you start young adult life. Contact your Congressman about a student loan-related piece of legislation (there’s a whole chapter on this in Repayable).

5. Money is a sensitive subject, I don’t want to talk about my debt.

Solution: “An eccentricity made a regular thing of ceases to provoke remark.” Sylvia Townsend Warner. Start by talking about your debt with people in the same profession who are on a similar payscale. Lose the shame, most graduates have debt, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

 6. There’s nothing I can do.

Solution: There is a ton you can do. I mean there’s enough you can do that I wrote an entire book about it. You can own your number, get informed, strategize a repayment plan that’s best for you, talk to your Congressman, eliminate the shame by talking about debt. All of this can change the story of student loan debt by making it truly repayable.

There are six days until Repayable is released. You’ve made the sacrifices to obtain a quality education, but now you’re burdened with crushing student-loan debt. Digging yourself out is not impossible—and Repayable shows you how. Pre-order Repayable for your e-reader today!