Star Wars Episode VIII is set to drop this week and I’m a little bit into it. This week’s post is going to paint student loan debt as the Galactic Empire and borrowers as the Rebel Alliance. Cheers to blowing up the Death Star as many times as it takes!

The Original Star Wars Trilogy…

is about the struggle for freedom against the oppressive Galactic Empire. The Rebel Alliance is a group of rag tag freedom fighters from across the galaxy with one thing in common, a desire to be rid of the Empire.


Student Loan Debt is the Galactic Empire

Both student loans and the Empire produce a sense of fear that crushes hope as it spreads. The impact of student loan debt only continues to grow as borrowers are forced to borrow more and more money to pay for the rising costs of college as they strive to meet the demand for an educated work force. Like the galaxy felt with the spread of the Empire so borrowers feel with the rising costs of college, it’s not your first choice but how else can one survive?


Borrowers Will Pick a Side

Under the weight of their debt borrowers will make one of two choices. They will succumb to the crushing pressure of the Empire and tolerate their mistreatment without hope, or they will form an alliance to defeat the evil Empire.


You Are the Rebel Alliance

Many of you reading this have chosen the rebellion. Like the members of the Rebel Alliance, borrowers come from all walks of life (although I think we’re all human) and share a common goal, freedom. In order to be successful, borrowers will need to adopt the characteristics of a rebellion. You will need to be relentless, innovative, and determined. And like any rebellion, borrowers need a plan of attack.


Steal the Plans to the Death Star

Repayable is like the stolen plans for the Death Star, without the risk of being chased down by Darth Vader or having your home planet blown up by Grand Moff Tarkin. In the book you’ll find exactly the strategy you need to blow up your own student loan death star and deal a major blow to the Empire. The blog and YouTube channel provide the up-to-date intel you need to continue the relentless attack on your loans.


Your Current Mission

The most recent intel gathered by the Alliance leads to your next mission. A plan exists in the Congress of the Republic (actual Congress) to eliminate the student loan interest tax deduction. The plan has made it through the Senate. It’s up to our Borrower Alliance to fight against the Empire and tell our representatives how to vote for our needs. Thankfully this doesn’t require x-wings, only a couple of emails and phone calls.

Do take action to eliminate this threat to yourself and other rebels. Many Bothans died to bring us this information. JK, it’s publicly available. Call your representatives anyway.

You can find your state representative here and find a link to an example script here (just update the highlighted text to tell your own story).